Whats happening at Waihi Beach

Upcoming Events / Whats happening at Waihi Beach

NOTE: This event is dated in the PAST. Upcoming dates will be posted once confirmed.

Whats happening at Waihi Beach 07 January 2022 - 09 January 2022 Image: Barry Jesney

Venue: Various

Times: Various

Cost: Varies per event

Email: hello@waihibeachinfo.co.nz

Website: www.waihibeachinfo.co.nz

Facebook: www.facebook.com/waihibeach

Another week of sunshine and fun forecasted for Waihi Beach -the awesome events keep on coming this week, including the annual Summer Fair and new backyard cricket event​​.

• 7 Jan: Skram Summer Tour, 7.30pm, Waihi Beach Hotel

• 8 Jan: Waihi Beach Summer Fair, 10am Waihi Beach Summer Fair - Saturday 8 January 2022

• 8 Jan: LJ Hooker Backyard Cricket Test Match, all day LJ Hooker Waihi Beach + Waihi

• 8 Jan: Tom Petty Tribute Band, Waihi Beach Hotel

And don’t forget the Waihi Beach Sunday Market is on every week,

Yoga classes around the beach (www.waihibeachinfo.co.nz/places/summeryoga/)

 Athenree Homesteadis open every Sunday over summer

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